A different, warm-looking floor, much more resistant than you would believe! A red pine floor (Red Pine: Pinus resinosa) is more resistant than most people believe. ” Visit the Janka* site to view the results of their hardness test.
Click here to consult the Janka scale
Janka Hardness Scale for Wood Flooring Species
We manufacture over two million square feet of red pine flooring per year. Available widths range from 4 to 12 inches. Thickness is ¾ inch. All our flooring boards are reversibles and require no sanding. We also make 2 x 6 flooring for log homes (all-in-one floor and ceiling, 1 3/8 thick). Board lengths vary from 6 to 16 feet. All our flooring boards have a 6 to 8% moisture content.
We also offer grade B quality. These are the same type of boards except for missing knots or defects on the sides. After cutting, they will be easier to fix as the boards will be shorter. They will look like the floor of an old-time general store!
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